Tuesday 17 May 2016

Innovation in the Internet of Things

At one point of time, the definition of the Internet of Things (IoT) revolved around radio frequency identification (RFID) tags and applications monitoring them. Slowly, it has evolved to encompass everyday products such as mobiles, air-conditioners, refrigerators, televisions, heart rate monitors, fitness accessories and equipment, disks and modems, and even LED lights and power sockets. 

Either these products are Internet-enabled, or use a smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices and their applications as a gateway to connect to the Web, thereby attaching aspects of information and connectivity to everyday objects… which is what the IoT is all about. In this episode, let us take a look at some recent consumer electronics products that fit into the IoT schema.

A GPS device that projects routes on the road

A navigational aid for cyclists developed by designer Kim Tae-Jin. When the designer felt that traditional GPS navigation devices are distracting—people tend to look at the device rather than the road, leading to accidents, he went about developing a navigation aid, which uses powerful directional laser arrows that are visible even during the day, to project routes and other information straight ahead of the cyclist on the road, rather than on the device. The designer is confident this will be more convenient than traditional instruments, and also avoid accidents.

Inside: Open Sight works like existing GPS devices, but includes high-intensity laser projection, which is bright enough to be seen just as well in broad daylight as in low light and at night. The projection mechanism displays the route and other information straight ahead of the cyclist, on the road. So, there is no need to keep looking into a small screen. A touch-enabled control panel allows the user to easily control the features. Open Sight also includes a variety of sensors that measure cycling speed, distance covered, and so on. The device is pedal-powered, which means it charges using kinetic energy generated by the pedaling motion. It has an on/off switch to avoid power wastage when not in use. In short, the innovation here is the laser projection, which avoids distraction and improves safety for the cyclist. 

Remotely control you devices using your mobile

Belkin has launched a series of home automation products called WeMo that let you control your home electronics from anywhere using a mobile app. They are in line with the ‘connected home’ concept—a key aspect of the IoT. The WeMo Switch, a part of this series, is an intelligent power socket that works with an iOS application. It makes use of your home’s Wi-Fi network to provide wireless control of TVs, lamps, stereos, and more. Using mobile Internet, you can also control the devices from anywhere. Simply download the free WeMo app, plug the switch into an outlet in your home, and plug any device into the switch. You can turn the device on or off, or even set schedules for its operation. For example, you can program the coffee maker to switch on and brew for 10 minutes just before you arrive home, so you get fresh coffee when you get in! There is also a motion-sensor based product called WeMo Motion that lets you program devices to work based on the presence or movement of people.

Inside: WeMo Switch looks like any normal power switch, and can also be controlled physically like normal switches. WeMo is Wi-Fi capable—and can be remotely controlled through an app that runs on iOS 4.3 or higher. Belkin is apparently also addressing customer requests for an Android version of the app. Apart from simple remote on/off controls, WeMo can also be scheduled to switch on or off at specific times; or can be programmed to react to situations using a great service called IFTTT, which is actually the most innovative aspect of WeMo. IFTTT stands for ‘if-this-then-that’. You can setup WeMo equipment to react to changes. For example, you can set it up to switch on when somebody comes in. Better still, it is Web-enabled, so you can link the functioning of devices to say weather reports, or you can turn it on or off using Twitter or other social media messages. WeMo can also talk back—it can post information or trigger events on Facebook, Twitter, etc., send you an SMS, or update Google Calendar!

Don’t know what to cook? Ask your fridge

Imagine a refrigerator that keeps track of the inventory inside, and warns you when something inside is too old, or suggests recipes based on ingredients you have, or reminds you to do your shopping when the veggie or milk tray goes dry! Well, Samsung’s new smart refrigerator, the T9000, is capable of this and more.

Inside: The Samsung T9000 is a 32-cubic-foot, four-door fridge that has two compressors, three evaporators and a large number of various sensors. It is Wi-Fi enabled, and includes a 10-inch LCD touchscreen tablet on the door. The fridge runs on the Android OS, and includes apps such and Epicurus and Ever-note to help users choose recipes, create shopping lists, and manage the expiration dates of items like yogurt and milk. The display may also be used to keep track of news and weather, to Twitter or even display photo slideshows on the fridge door. The device also integrates with Google Calendar, and is capable of syncing with your smartphone or tablet. You can even share recipes, notes and photos with family and friends. The application also makes it easy to setup the refrigerator’s settings such as temperature and humidity. It extends the capability to change the functionality of one of the fridge’s compartments. By altering the settings you can convert it into a freezer or normal fridge, depending on requirements.

Record a game from the ball’s view

The game from several points-of-view in order to train their players better, develop strategies and improve the moves. Cameras and image processing software have proven very helpful in this task—providing close views from multiple angles, trajectory analysis and more. However, what has been missing till date is the view from the ball! Ball Cam is a new technology developed by researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo, which allows a video camera to be embedded in a ball, thereby capturing smooth video as it spins through the air. While this might be illegal in official games, such recordings will surely be useful for training purposes. What is more, it might even vividly record the expression on a player’s face when he misses a ball!

Inside: BallCam features a high-definition, wireless GoPro HERO 2 camcorder inserted into a hole on the side of a rubber-sheathed plastic foam football. One of the biggest problems in recording video from a spinning object as fast as a football is the resulting blur. However, BallCam uses a special algorithm to process the video from balls spinning at up to 600 rpm. The algorithm is designed to monitor and discard video frames that show only the sky. When the remaining frames are stitched together, the result is a relatively smooth, wide-angle view from the side of the football. The stitching software is similar to what NASA uses to stitch together images from its Mars rovers. So, the technology is quite complex—and certainly not ‘playful’ stuff! The researchers say that the prototype can be enhanced to include multiple cameras and better camera sensors too.

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